Imagine if you were able to sell with your own web store, created within minutes, ready with online payments! All of this is possible now with the PayU Web Store.payumoney webstore

The challenge facing most small and emerging businesses

One of the biggest challenge faced by small and emerging businesses that are eager to sell online is technology. While they know their products and they understand the growth online. Making a web store and configuring online payments is a daunting task still.

Lets make it simpler; trivialise online payments

Now you can get a fully functional webstore within minutes. The webstore comes ready with online payments. So now all it takes is for you to register with PayU and start your e-commerce journey!

The PayU webstore provides the following key benefits:

  1. No advanced technical knowledge is required. Quick & easy setup
  2. No need to buy and renew domain names
  3. Web hosting is not required
  4. PayU payment gateway is pre-integrated
  5. You can list unlimited products 

You can quickly track your PayU transactions, payments received, refunds and other information from your merchant dashboard. You can also access it on the move through our android seller app.  

How to setup your webstore?

Follow the below steps to get started:

  • Register on PayU to get your merchant account created
  • Login to see the merchant dashboard. Go to and click on “Login”


  • Click on “Web Stores “ and press “Create store”

webstore 1

  • You will now reach the section one i.e. Store Details

In this section:

    1. Enter the Store name and title
    2. Upload your company logo
    3. Upload an image for your store
    4. Add the store description

Press “Save” to go to the next section


  • Section Two : Product information

In this section you need to input the product information i.e.

    1. Name , price and quantity per customer
    2. Product description
    3. Product options like color, size and other variants
    4. Product images


  • Section 3 : Policies

In this section you need to update the policies.  There are some predefined policies provided as sample. The policies and information are :

  1. Contact information
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Terms & Conditions
  4. Cancellation Policy
  5. Refund policy

Update the information as per your terms and conditions and save. The above policies are important for your customers. It creates trust.


  • Your webstore is now ready to go LIVE!


  • Click on the url to go to your webstore with your listed products


  • Check out individual products for more details. Customers can leave feedback with social commenting


Start selling online with your PayU webstore . In case you don’t have a merchant account yet, click here to register as a merchant on PayU. If you have further questions, these FAQ’s are a great resource.